Class 08 - MATHS
1 Versions
78 Topics
Animated Version
Commutative Property of R...
Associative Property of R...
Distributive property of...
Rational numbers on Numbe...
Rational no's b w 2 ratio...
Identity & Inverse of Rat...
Meaning of Linear Equatio...
Solving Linear Eqns in 1...
Solving Linear Eqns in 1...
Meaning and classificatio...
Sum of the exterior angle...
Types of polygons
Special cases of parallel...
Parallelogram and its pro...
Trapezium and its propert...
Kite and its properties
Construction special case...
Consruction of quadrilate...
Consruction of quadrilate...
Consruction of quadrilate...
Consruction of quadrilate...
Angle Sum Property of a q...
Grouping of data and Hist...
Pie Chart or Circle Graph...
Chance and Probability
Square Numbers & their pr...
Square No's &their patter...
Square No's &their patter...
Square and square root- A...
Square root by prime fact...
Finding square root by di...
Square root of decimal nu...
Square root of a number
Estimating Square Roots
Cubes and its patterns
Cube roots
Relation between ratios a...
Profit and Loss
Discount and Tax
Compound Interest
Algebraic expressions
Factors in the form of (x...
Addition& subtraction of...
Multiplication of algebra...
Algebraic Identity(a+b)(a...
Algebraic Identity(a+b)^2...
Algebraic Identity(a-b)^2...
Factorisation using ident...
Mapping Space Around Us
Different Perspectives of...
Polyhedron and its featur...
Area of a Trapezium
Area of a Rhombus
Area of a general quadril...
Area of a polygon
Volume of a Cube
Surface area of a cube
Volume of a Cuboid
Surface area of a cuboid
Volume of a Cylinder
Surface Area of a Cylinde...
Volume and Capacity
Laws of Exponents
Exponents with powers of...
Standard form of numbers
Direct Proportion
Inverse Proportion
Division of algebraic exp...
Some applications of grap...
Bar Graph
Double Bar Graph
Line Graph
Pie Chart or Circle Graph...
Numbers in general form
Number games
Divisibility by 9 and 3
Divisibility Tests of 10,...
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